If you enjoy deepculture, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Especially now, when we provide 75% OFF to our plans.
It’s the season for gifts and discounts! 💝
In the spirit of the season, here’s the amazing offer for deepculture subscriptions, this month only!
1.25 $ for 1 MONTH!
25 $ for 1 YEAR!
This is an excellent deal and if you enjoy deepculture, it’s a no-brainer!
Monthly Plan: 1.25 $
Yearly Plan: 25$
Why subscribe?
A paid subscription means a lot for us. You support something you enjoy and you get 15 interesting things each week + access to the complete archive (thousands of interesting recommendations, from thought-provoking reads to apps to websites to everything else)
Already a subscriber :) The regular price is pretty good, too.
Why send this to paying members if we can’t use it?