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Here are this week’s…
An interesting article exploring the connection between knowing who we are and our behavior. When people don’t know who they are, they think their moral actions don’t really reflect who they are. How a Weak Sense of Self Encourages Bad Behavior.
An excellent website that explains complex ideas through fun and insightful sketches. Sketchplanations.
A nice collection of life hacks from expert psychologists and that should make things a little bit easier. 19 Ways to Improve Your Life.
An interesting tool that will suggest a trip based on how you feel. For every feeling there’s a place where you can find it. The Feelings Engine.
A unique online library that is one of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust, the Nazi era and genocide. This dark spot in human history must never be forgotten, so that it never happens again. The Wiener Holocaust Library.
🎁 Bonus
A very nice website that converts any Wikipedia article into a beautiful, interactive timeline. WikiTimeline.
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⌛Deepculture Nostalgia / Revisiting stuff from the Past Years
A beautiful essay on family and broken memories. How do we imagine the past of those we love? My Time Machine.
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