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Here are this week’s…
A very interesting interview with the author of Dopamine Nation, Dr.Anna Lembke. We live in times when we have everything at our disposal. Technology provides access to a developed world, offering convenience and abundance. But having too much is making us less happy ; we are lonelier, more anxious and more depressed. Digital Drugs Have Us Hooked. Dr. Anna Lembke Sees a Way Out.
An interesting app, that promises to offer the best alternative to the mess that social media has become. Openvibe.
The god of the gaps theory proposes that religion evolves to fill gaps in human understanding. An interesting read on How the Supernatural Explains What We Can’t.
A private and local personal knowledge management app. Reor.
An interesting AI chatbot to test your beliefs, and maybe test if it’s able to change your mind…using facts. DebunkBot.
🎁 Bonus
Off Camera is a website, magazine, television show, and podcast. It’s hosted by director Sam Jones, and you can find lots of very interesting conversations on the website, with a myriad of different artists, from actors to musicians, to photographers…
One episode we really liked is the conversation with profound actor Ethan Hawke. You can listen to it here.
And more of Ethan Hawke. 50 Questions With Ethan Hawke.
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⌛Deepculture Nostalgia / Revisiting stuff from the Past Years
A travel app that will organize what you need to pack based on length of travel, weather at your destination and any activities planned during your trip. Packpoint.
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