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Hello everyone 👋
Welcome to February, a short winter month, filled with lots of love! 💕
Grab your hot drink and enjoy another interesting edition of deepculture…
Here are this week’s…
Recent research on lucid dreams suggests that consciousness exists along a spectrum between sleep and waking, between hallucination and revelation, between dreamworlds and reality. A very interesting read. Living In A Lucid Dream.
Time, friends, mind and body should always come before money. This is what Sahil Bloom tells us, and more…in this interesting Rich Roll podcast episode. Redefine Your Wealth.
No login required, and your notes are automatically saved in your browser. Notepad Online.
An AI app to help you live a proactive, fulfilling life. EpicTopia.
A very nice short read reminding us about respect and appreciation. Life is Hard. Remember to Live it Well.
🎁 Bonus
🦠 Scientists are learning more about cancer, every day. Here are 7 Big Questions About Cancer, Answered.
⌚ A nice app that gives you the chance to pause and think twice before mindlessly scrolling social media again. One Sec.
📱Meco is the best app for reading newsletters.
⌛Deepculture Nostalgia / Revisiting stuff from the Past Years
An interesting web tool developed for the exploration of smell as a cultural phenomenon. The Smell Explorer.
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